43. Mr. G. MURRAY.asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the further definition of extreme compassionate grounds in connection with release from the Army laid down in Army Council Instruction No. 421, of 1919, issued on the 4th July, does not go far enough, and that there are still a large number of cases of an extreme compassionate nature which cannot be dealt with under the present instructions; and whether, in view of the above, he will take into consideration the further extension of the principles upon which these Regulations are based, so as to provide, at any rate, that release should be granted in cases where there are two parents both aged or infirm and dependent on the son, and also in the case of a widower father who, through age or infirmity, is unable to support himself?
§ Mr. FORSTERAs he has already stated, my right hon. Friend hopes to issue this week the Memorandum he promised, setting forth the further steps which will be taken consequent on the ratification of Peace to reduce our armed forces and to release men in the order best calculated to mitigate hardship. We desire to release as many men as possible, but my right hon. Friend does not wish to anticipate the statement by partial answers.
Mr. MURRAYIn view of the unsatisfactory results that have been obtained in connection with these compassionate releases, will my hon. Friend consider the desirability of setting up a small Committee at the War Office to deal with all these compassionate cases?
§ Mr. FORSTERMy experience is that a Committee would lead to delay. What my right hon. Friend is anxious to do is to avoid delay.
§ Mr. FORSTERPerhaps my hon. Friend will wait until he sees the Memorandum which my right hon. Friend hopes to issue this week. It is not very much to ask him to do. I hope then that all his doubts will be set at rest.
§ Colonel PENRY WILLIAMSWill the hon. Gentlemen take care to see that the claims of the men in the East are not overlooked?
§ Mr. FORSTERI hope that their case: will be fully considered.