HC Deb 16 July 1919 vol 118 cc351-2
5. Captain ORMSBY-GORE

asked the Secretary of State for India whether it is proposed to lay down any specific number of commissions to be conferred upon Indians each year from among Indians already serving in the Army, and from among young educated Indians who under go special training and education with a view to their becoming officers at the commencement of their regimental careers, respectively, or are commissions to be granted from time to time as suitable individuals obtain recommendation?


It is not proposed to grant commissions every year to Indians already serving in the Army, but a limited number of commissions is being granted to Indians who have specially distinguished themselves in the War. I am not quite sure who are the "young educated Indians" to whom the hon. and gallant Member refers but if he means Indians who seek admission to the Army through Sandhurst, the number to be nominated every year is ten.

6. Captain ORMSBY-GORE

asked the Secretary of State for India how many commissions in the Indian Army have been granted to Indians since the announcement of August, 1917; whether all such commissions have been granted to Indians who were serving in the Indian land forces; and what principle is to be adopted in granting commissions to Indians in the future?


I assume that the hon. and gallant Member refers to permanent commissions. Nine of these have been given to Indian officers serving in the Indian land forces who have specially distinguished themselves during the War. Five Indian cadets have been admitted to Sandhurst and will receive commissions in due course if they qualify. Five more will join next term, and it is intended that there shall join ten annually. A further limited number of commissions will be granted to Indian officers for special distinction in the present War, and to those cadets considered qualified at the Indore Military College, which closes shortly But otherwise commissions will only be given to Indians who qualify at Sandhurst in the ordinary way.

Colonel YATE

Is there any limit of age to the cadets admitted to the Indore Military College?


I think there is, but I should not like to say from memory. I will tell the hon. and gallant Gentleman to-morrow.