HC Deb 15 July 1919 vol 118 cc185-6

asked the Secretary for War whether there are British military representatives attached to General Denikin's forces at the fronts; whether they are instructed to report on the treatment of the inhabitants, Bolshevik prisoners, and the troops under General Denikin's command; whether a British officer of high rank at General Denikin's headquarters found projecting above the ground the heads of thirty men who had been buried alive; and whether he can state how many Bolshevik prisoners are at present alive in General Denikin's hands?


No British officers are actually attached to General Denikin's forces at the fronts, but from time to time officers visit formations in the field so as to maintain the closest possible liaison with them. As to the second part of the question, I have nothing further to add to the answer given to the hon. and gallant Member for Newcastle-under-Lyme on 2nd June. The answer to the third part is in the negative.

In reply to the last part, the Chief of the British Mission states that in the last twelve months General Denikin has captured over 200,000 prisoners. The majority are now fighting for General Denikin or working on the rearward services as free men, whilst a number of them are acting as mess waiters, cooks, grooms, etc., to the personnel of the British Mission. The only prisoners who are ever shot are those against whom criminal acts have been proved, and then only after fair trial by court-martial. These are usually Chinese, Letts, and other alien mercenaries.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say definitely what is our relationship to General Denikin's command? Have we, by the authority of this Government, British officers attending on his command.


Yes, Sir. We support General Denikin's operations by every means in our power, short of the dispatch of large fighting units from this country.


Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us what is exactly a. Bolshevik?