HC Deb 10 July 1919 vol 117 cc1985-6

asked the Pensions Minister whether he can make any statement on the subject of increasing the allowances payable to officers under going treatment, having regard to the in equalities existing in this respect between the officers' warrant and the men's?


I am glad to be able to announce the following extension of Article 6 of the Officers Warant:

In special circumstances maximum retired pay will be given to an officer (whether married or single) who is certified to be incapable of work and for whom non-institutional treatment is recommended by the medical authorities.

In the case of an officer receiving institutional treatment an allowance not exceeding £50 a year will be granted to the wife, or an allowance not exceeding £40 a year to a dependent relative (as defined in the Royal Warrant), provided that in either case there is pecuniary need.

In cases where it is certified that a disabled officer should, in consequence of his disablement, undergo medical treatment in circumstances which do not render him unable to provide for his own support and that of his family, but require him to absent himself from his work on one more occasions in a week, he may be granted, in addition to any pension, an allowance not exceeding 20s. a week for the time he is required to absent himself.