§ 77. Mr. ROYCEasked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the sale of huts and equipment at Gun Range, Butterwick; whether he is aware that the sale was a private one and approximately £680 realised, and that this material was resold by the purchasers by public auction when a profit of nearly £2,000 was realised; and whether in future he will have all Government property of this description sold by public auction?
§ Mr. FORSTERI am informed that the huts in question were sold by tender in open competition, and that the accepted tender exceeded the valuation. I am not aware whether the facts as regards resale by the purchasers are as stated by my hon. 1817 Friend. I understand that this sale took place before the Disposal Board of the Ministry of Munitions came into existence. With the exception of a few such small sales, which were effected at an early period, all sales of surplus property of this description have been and are being conducted by the Disposal Board.
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYIs the right hon. Gentleman aware of the strong suspicion in the country that there is a ring of buyers who are purchasing these huts at more than their value and keeping other purchasers out, and will he take steps to check this ring and to give preference to people who buy the huts for housing purposes?
§ Mr. FORSTERI should be glad to do anything to prevent undue inflation of price by whatever means it is caused. I will confer with my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions.
§ Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHYIt is not merely a question of inflation of price, but a question of a ring.