HC Deb 03 July 1919 vol 117 cc1172-3
95. Major BREESE

asked the Minister of Health whether expenditure on the erection of village halls would be sanctioned by him under Section 2 (i) of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1903, or otherwise, especially having regard to the recommendation on this subject contained in Section 4 of the Report of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Reconstruction?


Parish councils (and parish meetings, if invested with the necessary powers by the county council) are empowered under Section 8 of the Local Government Act, 1894, without requiring sanction from the Minister of Health or any other Government Department, to provide rooms which may be used as recreation rooms or reading rooms provided that such rooms are also used for meetings of the parish council or parish meeting and for the transaction of parish business. These powers can also be conferred on any urban district council. If the Public Libraries Acts have been adopted, expenditure may be incurred in fitting up such rooms as reading rooms and providing newspapers and other literature. The sanction of the Department is, however, required as to the raising of a loan to de fray expenditure on the provision or equipment of such rooms.

Lieut.-Colonel ROYDS

Will the cost of the erection of these halls be provided by the rates?


Yes; the local authority may be authorised to borrow money.

Sir A. YEO

Does the hon. and gallant Gentleman propose to take any steps to wake up councils to get their schemes into operation? It is about time they did.


I do not think that arises out of this question.