HC Deb 03 July 1919 vol 117 cc1230-1

It is a great record for a country which at the beginning of the War had only an army that was treated with contempt. It shows—and I want to say this with emphasis—what can be achieved by a great people united and inspired by a common purpose. Let us rejoice over the victory, but let us rejoice as men who are not under the delusion that all our troubles are over, but rather like men who feel that the first and the worst of our troubles are past, and that the spirit, courage, and resolution which enabled us to overcome these will also enable us cheerfully to face what is to come. Let us not waste our strength prematurely in fighting each other. The time will come when that may be quite necessary in order to keep us in trim. But do not let us do it prematurely. We are not out of our troubles yet. We have no strength to spare if we are to save— and I say this in all solemnity—this country from sinking under its burdens and its wounds. The ravages of war have to be repaired. The revelations of war have to be profited by in trade, in industry, in commerce, in the health of the people, and in their housing conditions. We want to make the most effective use of the resources of this land and of the Empire. We want to make all reasonable men contented. Unreasonable men you will never content, even if you place them in Paradise.