HC Deb 03 July 1919 vol 117 cc1141-2
17. Mr. LYNN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that the Home Office has issued a circular containing new grades of salary and a revised pensions scheme for prison officials in England; whether he is aware that the prison, officials in Ireland are worse paid than similar officials in England; and whether he is prepared to take steps with a view to placing Irish prison officials on an. equality with prison officials in England?


The circular referred to is at present under consideration by the General Prisons Board, who will make their recommendation in the matter without delay.

33. Mr. LYNN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland when the Government-intend to give effect to the recommendations, of the right' hon. Mr. Justice Dodd regarding the services rendered by the officials of the Belfast gaol during a trying period; and whether he can state the cause of the delay?


The Irish Government fully endorses the testimony borne by Mr. Justice Dodd to the faithful and loyal performance of their duties by the staff of the Belfast Prison during the trying period referred to by my hon. Friend. The question of some special recognition of the services of the staff is under consideration.