HC Deb 03 July 1919 vol 117 c1211
The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Lloyd George)

whose rising was the subject of a. general ovation. Members standing and cheering: I have to lay on the Table of the House, and to ask the leave of the House to introduce, two Bills to enforce the most momentous document to which the British Empire has ever affixed its seal. There are two Bills which I shall have to ask the leave of the House to introduce. It is unnecessary to obtain the ratification of Parliament to a Treaty, except in one or two particulars. The ratification is for the Crown, but there are certain provisions in the Treaty of Peace, signed last Saturday, which it is necessary to obtain an Act of Parliament in order to enforce. Therefore, I propose to ask leave to introduce a Bill in the usual form to enable His Majesty to make such appointments, establish such offices, make such Orders in Council and do such things as appear to him to be necessary for carrying out the said Treaty, and for giving -effect to any of the provisions of the said Treaty. That is the usual form, I believe, in which measures of this kind have hitherto been couched. It is also necessary to have an Act of Parliament in order to obtain the sanction of Parliament to the Convention between His Majesty and the President of the French Republic. That Convention has already, I believe, been laid on the Table of the House, and, I hope, has already been circulated