HC Deb 02 July 1919 vol 117 cc952-3
36. Mr. G. MURRAY

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Oversea Trade Department whether he will, in consultation with the War Office, make arrangements so as to provide that any British commercial representatives accredited by the Department shall be given all facilities and assistance by the British military authorities in the occupied territories of the Balkans and the East?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRADE (Sir Auckland Geddes)

The military authorities at Constantinople have already agreed to give full facilities to British subjects travelling in Roumania on business. In the case of the Balkans and the East, the names of accredited British subjects wishing to proceed to these zones for business purposes the forwarded to the general officers commanding with the recommendation that, so far as the exigencies of the military situation permit, full facilities shall be accorded to them. Any British firm desirous of availing themselves of these facilities should communicate with the Department of Oversea Trade, which will give them the fullest information in its power, and take the necessary steps to put them in touch with the War Office.


Will the right hon. Gentleman request the First Lord of the Admiralty to give such facilities as are possible to representatives of British commerce?


I do not quite follow the question. The First Lord of the Admiralty has nothing to do with the establishment of British trade in the East.