HC Deb 26 February 1919 vol 112 c1756

Sir Samuel Roberts further reported from the Committee; That they had nominated the following Members to serve on Standing Committee B: Colonel Allen, Sir William Barton, Mr. James Bell, Sir Arthur Shirley Benn, Captain Wedgwood Benn, Mr. James Brown, Mr. Carr, Mr. William Carter, Mr. Chadwick, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, Major Cope, Major Courthope, Commander Dawes, Mr. Donald, Mr. Edgar, Mr. Charles Edwards, Mr. John Hugh Edwards, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir George Elliott, Major Entwistle, Sir James Fortescue Flannery, Mr. France, Mr. Gange, Mr. Gritten, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Frederick Hall, Mr. Johnstone, Mr. John Joseph Jones, Mr. Kiley, Mr. Mallalieu, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, Mr. Neal, Mr. Nelson, Sir John Rees, Mr. Alexander Richardson, Lieutenant-Colonel Roundell, Mr. Rowlands, Lieutenant-Colonel Royds, Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel, Major Steel, Mr. Swan, and Colonel William Thorne.

Sir Samuel Roberts further reported from the Committee; That they had agreed to the following Resolution, which they had directed him to report to the House:

"That, after a Bill has been under consideration in Standing Committee, no application for changes in the composition of that Committee in respect of that Bill shall be entertained by the Committee of Selection."

Reports to lie upon the Table.