HC Deb 26 February 1919 vol 112 cc1718-9
21. Sir B. FALLE

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he can now make any statement as to the financial position of the kept-on and the pensioned naval officer?


In replying to my hon. Friend's question, I will differentiate between officers actually retired under the Regulations during the War but continued in their appointments, and officers who have been retained on the active list beyond the age of compulsory retirement. In the case of the former officers, I am glad to be able to tell my hon. Friend that sanction has now been obtained for the payment to them of the bonus of 25 per cent. in addition to the active service rate of pay. In the case of the officers who have been retained on the active list beyond the age of compulsory retirement, I am not at present able to make any further statement than this, that their case is at present engaging the attention of the Board of Admiralty.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this is a most burning question and can on no account brook delay; it is a matter that must be settled? May I ask you, Mr. Speaker, if the right hon. Gentleman cannot give me an answer, whether I may, at the close of questions, ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House on a matter of public urgency?


The hon. and gallant Gentleman has just been told that the matter is engaging the earnest and immediate attention of the Department concerned. Had not he better wait till we get the decision?