HC Deb 20 February 1919 vol 112 c1105
12. CommanderBELLAIRS

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, when we agreed to forego the Boxer indemnity from China, any conditional action on the part of China was to be taken; whether the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank is continuing its business in China; and whether any terms were asked for China as to the liquidation of this bank and German trading institutions generally?


No agreement has been made with the Chinese Government to forego the Boxer indemnity. In recognition, however, of China's spontaneous entry into the War, His Majesty's Government agreed to the postponement of the payment of their share of the indemnity for a period of five years. No conditions were attached to this postponement, but in informing the Chinese Government of this decision His Majesty's Government, in concert with the Allied Governments interested, recommended that steps should be taken to sequester German and Austrian houses of business with a view to their ultimate liquidation. The Deutsch-Asiatische Bank is at present in the hands of a European liquidator appointed by the Chinese Government.

Commander BELLAIRS

Will the Government take any steps to expedite this process of liquidating German houses.


I will make inquiries.