HC Deb 13 February 1919 vol 112 c257
51. Viscount WOLMER

asked the Prime Minister whether the Government will guarantee to reinstate all men who voluntarily and with permission left Government employment to serve in His Majesty's Forces during the War?

Mr. BALDWIN (Joint Financial Secretary to the Treasury)

By Treasury Circular of the 11th August, 1914, a promise was given to all Civil servants (including persons holding whole-time unestablished and temporary situations in Government Departments, provided that their service was not internment but quasi-permanent and regular) who joined His Majesty's Forces after 4th August, 1914, with the permission of the head of their Department, that their civil posts would be kept open for then on their return from naval or military service. The promise also applies to persons of the same class who were released from civil duty by their Department under the Military Service Acts.

Viscount WOLMER

Does that also apply to working men who were employed at Government factories at Woolwich or other places?


Does my hon. Friend's answer apply to work at the Government Dockyards?


I shall be glad to have those questions put separately. The answer I have given applies to Civil servants

Viscount WOLMER

Does my hon. Friend say there should be one rule for Civil servants and another for working men?


Are not men employed in the Royal Dockyards Civil servants?


I should like to be clear in my own mind before I give a definite answer on a supplementary question.