HC Deb 28 December 1919 vol 123 cc1240-1

asked the Pensions Minister why a pension under Article 12 of the Warrant has been refused the widow of the late Mr. S. H. Wright., No. 96405, Royal Field Artillery, who was passed fit into the Service on 19th April, 1915, and who died in the Service of heart disease?


Mr. Wright died of fatty degeneration of the heart after a fortnight's military service. The case has been considered on several occasions but it has not been found possible to trace any connection between, the cause of death and the short period of service, and consequently pension under Article 11 cannot be awarded to the widow. It is open to Mrs. Wright to appeal against this decision to the Pensions Appeal Tribunal.


asked the Pensions Minister if he will reconsider the case of Mr. Arthur Whitfield, late No. 108927, Royal Engineers, whose application for pension has been refused on the ground that his disability is neither due to nor aggravated by service; whether he is aware that Mr. Whitfield was a member of the Liverpool University Training College, which he entered in October, 1914, when he was medically examined and found to be perfectly sound; that Professor Glynne, a captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps, examined him at the time and certified that Mr. Whitfield did not suffer, and never had suffered, from any intestinal complaint; and whether in face of this he can abide by his decision?


Mr. Whitfield's appeal was heard by the Pensions Appeal Tribunal on 11th March, 1919, when he had every opportunity of stating his case, and the tribunal decided against his claim. In these circumstances he is not entitled to any grant beyond the gratuity of £20 awarded to him in August, 1917.