HC Deb 19 December 1919 vol 123 c943

(1) Every local legislative council shall continue for three years from its first meeting: Provided that— (a) the council may be sooner dissolved by the governor; and.

Lords Amendment: Leave out tile word local," and insert instead thereof the word governor's."

The SECRETARY of STATE for INDIA (Mr. Montagu)

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment.

I should like to explain on this one Amendment that there is not a single one of this rather long series of Amendments which makes any alteration of substance in the Bill at all. They are, in the main, drafting Amendments, due to a reexamination of the Bill, and the only exceptions to that are exceptions which make the meaning clearer but do not alter the effect of the measure.

Question put, and agreed to.