HC Deb 18 December 1919 vol 123 c646
49. Mr. SWAN

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that an official Allied statement appeared in the Vladivostok newspapers of 30th September this year, signed by Lieutenant-Colonel Wonchterle, and stating that certain Allied and Russian soldiers had been murdered by some of Admiral Koltchak's Cossack troops in Vladivostok; whether an ultimatum was sent to General Rozanoff, Commandant of the Vladivostok garrison, giving him three days in which to remove these Cossack troops from his garrison or have them removed by force; whether General Rozanoff refused to comply with this ultimatum and referred the matter to Admiral Koltchak; whether Admiral Koltchak's reply to General Rozanoff was to the effect that the latter was, if necessary, to forcibly resist any interference on the part of the Allies with the Vladivostok garrison; whether, on Admiral Koltchak's refusal, the Cossack troops in question were forcibly expelled from Vladivostok; and, if not, whether it is part of the policy of the Allies to allow Allied subjects to be murdered without any effective action?


His Majesty's Government have no information regarding Lieutenant-Colonel Wonehterle's article. The answers to the second, third, and fourth parts of the question are in the affirmative. The answer to the fifth part of the question is in the negative. The incident was satisfactorily arranged, and there is no reason to anticipate a repetition of these isolated fracas.

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