HC Deb 17 December 1919 vol 123 cc622-6

(b) Drafts of such proposed scheme shall be published locally in the prescribed manner, and also be transmitted in the prescribed manner to the patron or patrons affected, together with a notice in each case requiring any objections to such draft scheme to be stated or transmitted in writing to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners within the prescribed time.

(Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Certify Final Scheme to the King in Council.)

(c) After giving full consideration to such objections (if any), and after making such alterations (if any) in the draft scheme as, having regard to such objections, they shall deem right, and after submitting such alterations (if any) to the Bishop of the diocese or the Bishops of the dioceses affected, and obtaining his or their consent thereto in writing, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. (unless, after full consideration, they shall think it advisable to withdraw the scheme) shall certify the scheme, and the consent thereto in writing of the Bishop of the diocese or the Bishops of the dioceses affected, to His Majesty in Council.


I beg to move, in paragraph (a), to leave out the words "or a majority of the Commissioners."

This is a purely drafting Amendment.


I should like to get some statement of the effect of this Amendment. The Clause as it stands refers to the majority of the Commissioners. I think that the Amendment means that the vote should be unanimous.


I will, in the next Amendment, move to insert the words "unanimously or by a majority of votes."

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In paragraph (a), after the word "shall" ["making the Report shall"], insert the words "unanimously or by a majority of votes."—[Sir S. Hoare]

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 5, 6, 7, and 8 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

  1. CLAUSE 9.—(Provision as to Church within United Parish and Not being Parish Church.) 123 words
  2. cc623-4
  3. CLAUSE 13.—(Supplemental Schemes for Uniting Parishes of United Benefices.) 153 words
  4. c624
  5. CLAUSE 15.—(Bishop may give Direction as to Services in Church not being Parish Church.) 85 words
  6. cc624-6
  7. CLAUSE 21.—(Short Title and Extent.) 256 words