§ 29. Brigadier-General CROFTasked the Secretary for War whether he is aware that there are many officers whose names have gone forward for Regular commissions who have no knowledge as to when, if ever, their services will be called upon; and whether, in justice to those gentlemen, who are unable to take up any occupation, he will cause definite statements to be made to each officer concerned as to when he is likely to be gazetted to Borne unit?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLI would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to my reply on 27th November to the hon. and gallant Member for Buckingham. I regret that the proposal contained in the last part of the question is impracticable.
§ Brigadier-General CROFTIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the very greatest distress has been caused by these gentlemen being led to understand that they were going to be seconded to Regular units and they have no knowledge whether they are going to be employed?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLMy hon. and gallant Friend will see the difficulty on account of the numbers involved. I agree that the uncertainty must be settled at an early date. I hope before Parliament meets again, when I lay my scheme for the new post-war Army before the House, the matter will be dealt with.