§ 60. Mr. N. MACLEANasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in June, 1915, the then Secretary of State for the Home Department personally gave permission for Miss Lillian Scott Troy, an American citizen, to see a person interned as an alien?
§ Major BAIRDNo, Sir. The permission in question was given, I understand, by the military authorities.
§ Mr. MACLEANCan the hon. and gallant Gentleman explain why the Home Secretary a fortnight ago made the statement that no permit had been given to this lady to visit the alien?
§ Major BAIRDDid it relate to the same thing?
§ 61. Mr. SWANasked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that Nathan Schneiderman, who fought in Russia against the Germans, was fined —20 at the Thames Police Court for attempting to land without permission; whether he has been deported; and how many of these Russian subjects who have fought in the War against Germany have been refused permission to land since the beginning of this year?
§ Major BAIRDThe answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, except that I have no knowledge that he fought in Russia against the Germans; to the second part, in the negative; and to the third part, none, to the best of my knowledge.