HC Deb 11 December 1919 vol 122 cc1592-3
8. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, in view of the fact that the declared objects of the Irish National Loan are the promoting of direct trade to and from Ireland, the development of fisheries, agriculture, afforestation and industries, and the establishment of a land bank in Ireland, he proposes to continue instituting criminal proceedings against all persons soliciting subscriptions to this loan?

The CHIEF SECRETARY for IRELAND (Mr. Macpherson)

The objects of the loan, as stated in the question, are not. accurately presented. The Loan prospectus provides that interest on the Loan will not be payable until six months after the Irish Republic has received International Recognition and the English have evacuated Ireland. The prospectus further states that the proceeds will be used for propagating the Irish case all Over the World, for establishing in Foreign Countries Consular Services to promote Irish Trade and Commerce, for fostering Irish industries, and, generally, for National Purposes as directed by Dail Eireann.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Can the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of the question, as to whether he proposes to continue instituting criminal proceedings, and, if that is the case, does he propose to prosecute the Archbishop of Dublin for advocating this loan?


All that I can say is that His Majesty's Government is, determined not to allow any other Government to usurp their constitutional functions.


May I ask whether it is the fact that the chief object of this loan is to carry out a murder campaign in Ireland?

Lieut.-Commander WILLIAMS

Would it not be a good thing to allow some of these individuals to collect this money, and then endeavour to collar it, and use it for useful purposes?


I will look into that question.

60. Mr. LYNN

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that a company, styled the Reconstruction and Federation of Industries, Limited, entered into negotiations some months ago with several of the leading Irish municipalities with the object of negotiating a loan of £150,000,000 for building purposes in Ireland; whether he is aware that the company now charge the Government with delaying the negotiations; whether he can state if any negotiations have taken place between the company and the Government; what is the cause of the delay; and when may a decision be expected?

Mr. BONAR LAW (Leader of the House)

I have no detailed information of the negotiations between Irish municipalities and this company, nor am I aware that the Government are concerned with such negotiations.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the company say that the reason for not lending money to these Irish municipalities is that the Government are holding them up?


If such a rumour is being circulated it has absolutely no foundation.


May I assume, then, that this company is a South Sea Bubble?


I never heard of the company till I read the question of my hon. Friend.

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