§ 93. Mr. LUNNasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller how many German merchant ships have been handed over to the Allies; how many have been retained by this country; and what is the nature of the arrangements for running these ships?
§ The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of SHIPPING (Colonel Leslie Wilson)Up to the 7th December, 355 vessels had been delivered for Allied management, of a total gross tonnage of 1,788,913. Of these, 230 vessels, of a total gross tonnage of 1,209,037 are under British management. The vessels under British management are allocated to shipping firms to manage on behalf of the Shipping Controller.
§ Viscount CURZONCan the hon. and gallant Gentleman say what is the position of affairs as regards the "Imperator?"
§ Colonel WILSONI do not think that question arises out of the answer. I think the "Imperator" has now sailed for America.