HC Deb 10 December 1919 vol 122 c1287
8. Viscount CURZON

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he would state what was the present staff for administering the Grand Fleet Fund what was the yearly cost of administration, together with details as to salaries, etc.; what was the present income of the fund; and what policy had been decided upon with regard to its future?


The Grand Fleet Fund is not an Admiralty organisation, and the Admiralty are unable to furnish the information asked for. At the request of the Grand Fleet Fund, the Admiralty recently appointed a representative—namely, Captain Lionel Wells, C.B., C.M.G.—on the committee of the fund, with the object of keeping in touch with its general policy, but he has not yet made any report as to the future policy decided upon.

Viscount CURZON

To whom should questions be addressed in connection with this fund?


If the question were put on the Paper we should have to consider whether the Admiralty authorities should answer it.