HC Deb 10 December 1919 vol 122 cc1316-7

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies when he proposes to make statements as to the future of German East Africa; and whether the territory is to become a native reserve with no European settlement, or whether the large amount of capital already invested in the country by European concerns is to be allowed to continue operations?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

It is not intended that German East Africa should be administered as a native reserve and closed to European settlement. correspondence is proceeding with the Administrator on various matters of policy, but at present I am not in a position to make any statement on the subject.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is now in a position to give any information as to the steps contemplated for the improvement of the status and condition of the natives in those territories which were, until lately, under German rule?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, the administration of the former German Colonies in South-West Africa and the Pacific which have been placed under British control, is a matter for the Dominions Government. With regard to German East Africa, Cameroons and Togoland, the hon. Member may rest assured that when the extent and status of the British spheres have been finally settled those spheres will be administered on the lines which have already proved so successful in the British Colonies and Protectorates in tropical Africa.