HC Deb 10 December 1919 vol 122 cc1290-1

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he can make any statement as to those few engineer-commanders who reached the compulsory retirement age before August, 1914, and were given the rank of engineer-captain on retirement, but were still employed on the active list when war broke out, and who have only been given 15 per cent. bonus instead of 25 per cent.?


I regret I am not in a position to make a statement on this question, which is still under discussion.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give any indication as to the date?


I cannot, but I will notify my hon. Friend the moment am in a position to do so.

13. Sir B. FALLE

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he can make any statement as to the present and future position of those engineer-commanders who reached the age of compulsory retirement during the War and were entitled to a step in rank with pay and bonus and back pay of officers who were recalled, but who have received none of these?


Owing to the reply being rather lengthy, I will, with my hon. and gallant Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the reply referred to:

It has been decided to offer those officers who reached the normal age for compulsory retirement during the War, but who were retained on the active list, the choice between—

  1. (i) being placed on the retired list, with a step in rank where applicable, and being regarded as retired officers re-employed, with the 25 per cent. bonus, from the date they would have been compulsorily retired under normal conditions; or
  2. (ii) remaining on the active list until. they ceased service and being placed on the retired list from that date.

In the latter case they would continue to count their service towards increase of retired pay, within the maximum rate allowed under the regulations, until they were actually placed on the retired list.

An investigation is now being made into each officer's case, and as soon as this is completed a communication will be sent to him stating the effect of the two alternatives in his particular case and asking which of them he wishes to adopt.

I would observe that officers of various ranks and branches, and not engineer-commanders only, are concerned, and the circumstances vary so much in individual cases that it is not possible to lay down a general rule which would dispense with the necessity of examining each case.

All these officers have received the bonus on the full pay which they have actually drawn, and a further sum will become payable in any cases in which increased pay becomes issuable in consequence of higher rank being granted.