HC Deb 03 December 1919 vol 122 cc387-8
46. Sir P. MAGNUS

asked the Prime Minister whether the shortage of food and conditions of living are much worse in Cologne and in the German territory occupied by the Allied forces than in other parts of Germany; whether the German Government are themselves responsible for those conditions and have helped to create them, with a view to rendering the occupation and the occupying Allies unpopular; and whether the British Government can adopt measures to remove the impression that it is owing to any action of the Allies that the people in the occupied territories are compelled to live under such unfavourable conditions?

Mr. BONAR LAW (Leader of the House)

The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. On the contrary, our information tends to show that the conditions are better in Cologne and in the occupied territory than in unoccupied Germany, and have been since our occupation. This also applies to the territory occupied by our Allies.