HC Deb 02 December 1919 vol 122 cc226-7
71. Mr. R. MCNEILL

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether an order was issued on the 1st October, 1914, to the effect that non-commissioned officers holding the appointment of barrack wardens were not to be permitted to reenlist; and, if so, why men whose services as barrack wardens were thus valued and who in consequence were debarred from re-enlistment are now excluded from the benefit of the new scale of pension on the ground that they have not given satisfactory re-enlisted service during the War?


An order was issued in October, 1914, that barrack wardens should not be permitted to reenlist as drill instructors. I regret that I am unable to permit any departure from the terms of the warrant requiring military service during the War as a condition of increase of pension.


Does the right hon. Gentleman really think that a body of men who were prevented from enlisting should be deprived of this increased pension because they did not enlist?


They had to qualify for the pension by particular services. If those services have not been rendered I have no power to vary the terms of the warrant.