HC Deb 01 December 1919 vol 122 cc41-2

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions what system was followed in taking inventories and valuations of factories, etc., taken over by the Government under the Defence of the Realm Act; and whether these were prepared from the records of the firms or individuals owning or occupying such factories, etc., or under the auspices of independent valuers and experts at the time when the premises and stock were taken over, or whether invent- tories were left to the discretion of the official in charge of taking-over arrangements?


In the comparatively rare cases in which factories were taken over by the Ministry of Munitions, the inventories and valuations were made by the technical and accountancy staff of the Ministry, and wherever possible these inventories were agreed with representatives of the firm. In a few cases of great urgency it was not possible to complete the formal inventories and valuations at the time of transfer. In such cases the firms' own stock lists and inventories were provisionally checked by the representatives of the Ministry, pending the preparation of a formal inventory and valuation.

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