HC Deb 19 August 1919 vol 119 cc2130-1
36. Mr. FINNEY

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he was aware of the number of miners who had been demobilised from the Army, Navy, and munition works, and the number of such demobilised miners who had been found employment in the coal mines of this country since the Armistice was signed in November last; whether he would issue a statement showing the same progressively month by month, commencing December, 1918, and afterwards for each month, respectively, up to and including July of this year; and whether he could indicate at the same time the percentage of such miners who were physically unable to follow their employment every day the pit was open for work?


The number of miners demobilised from the Army, Navy, and Air Force respectively, up to 14th August, 1919, is:

Army 302,648
Navy 885
Air Force 1,866
I regret that the corresponding figures for miners employed in munitions works are not available; the number who were employed on munitions is believed to be very small. An undertaking was given by colliery owners to re-employ all demobilised miners previously in their service, and this undertaking has been carried out. With regard to the second part of the question I would point out that the demobilisation of miners is practically complete and that no difficulty has been experienced in providing for their re-absorption into the industry. I have no information with regard to the last part of the question.

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