HC Deb 18 August 1919 vol 119 cc1908-9
63. Mr. ROSE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions if he will state the cost of the buildings and equipment of the Government factory at Queensferry; the amount expended upon wages and supervision; the average number of persons employed; the value of the production of the works; and the intentions of the Government in respect to the future use or disposal of the premises?

Mr. KELLAWAY (Deputy-Minister of Munitions)

The capital expenditure on the building and equipment of His Majesty's Explosive factory, Queensferry, has been £4,150,000. The amount expended in wages, including the payment of the supervisory staff, has been approxi- mately £1,673,000. The average number of employés from 1915 to 1918 was, approximately, 2,500 men and 2,500 women, though 4,000 men were employed while the factory was under construction. The value of the total production of the factory is estimated at £19,800,000, and at £33,000,000 at American contract prices. The future of the factory is still under consideration.