§ (Amendments as to Procedure under Part 1. and Part 2. of the Principal Act and Minor Amendments of the Housing Acts as those Acts respectively apply to Scotland.)
§ Lords Amendment:
After Section 16 (i.), insert the words
The words 'out of their own number' shall be omitted. After the words 'provided that a committee so appointed shall' there shall be inserted the words 'consist as to a majority of its members of members of the appointing local authority and shall' and.
§ Mr. CLYDEI beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."
This is not a Government Amendment, but is one which was welcomed by the Government. The purpose of it is to enable local authorities to co-opt members who are not themselves members of those bodies, and thus gives them a wider selection than if they were, limited to persons who were already members of the local authorities.
§ Question put, and agreed to.