HC Deb 14 August 1919 vol 119 cc1609-10
34. Mr. DOYLE

asked the Minister of Health if at the Northern Hospital, Winchmore Hill, London, certain wards are used for consumptive patients in all stages of the disease, the patients including men, women, and children, while other wards are being used for children convalescent from scarlet fever and diphtheria removed from other infectious hospitals ; if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the whole of the wards referred to are enclosed in one building, that the nursing staff is presided over by one matron, and that the nurses are employed indiscriminately in either infectious or tuberculosis wards; whether, if he decides that the hospital should still house both classes of patients, steps will be taken to appoint a recognised expert to take responsible charge of the tuberculosis wards; and if he will ascertain if there is sufficient and suitable space for recreation for sanatorium patients?


Some blocks at the Metropolitan Asylums Board Hospital, Winchmore Hill, are used for the treatment of tuberculous patients and other blocks for convalescent cases of acute infectious disease but no ward and no block is used for more than, one disease. The tuberculous patients are classified in their respective wards according to the stages of the disease. A nurse engaged in nursing tuberculosis is not allowed to come into contact with cases of acute infectious disease. An entirely separate medical staff, with special experience in tuberculosis, under the general supervision of the medical superintendent of the hosptal, is in charge of the blocks for the treatment of tuberculosis. Having regard to the class of case admitted to these blocks, the space available for recreation is sufficient and suitable.