HC Deb 14 August 1919 vol 119 cc1758-9

(3) The Board may approve any such schema or my part thereof without modification or subject to such modifications as they think fit, and the scheme or part thereof when so approved shall be binding on the local authority; but if the Board consider the scheme inadequate they may refuse to approve the scheme and require the authority to prepare and submit to them an adequate scheme within such time as they may fix, or they may approve the scheme or part thereof subject to the condition that the authority prepare and submit to them a further scheme within such time as they may fix.

(7) Local authorities in preparing, and the Board in approving, schemes shall have regard to any proposals by other bodies or persons to provide housing accommodation within a reasonable time.

Lords Amendment:

In Sub-section (3), at end insert the words Provided that local authorities in preparing, and the Board in approving, any scheme shall take into account and, so far as possible, preserve existing erections of architectural, historic, or artistic interest, and shall have regard to the natural amenties of the locality.


I beg to move "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This Clause is in the English Bill.

Question put, and agreed to.

Lords Amendment:

In Sub-section (7) leave out the words "have regard to," and insert instead thereof the words "make inquiry respecting and take into account."—Agreed to.