HC Deb 13 August 1919 vol 119 cc1285-6
54. Major GLYN

asked the Prime Minister what has been the monthly average sale price since January obtained by the Ministry of Munitions for articles salved from overseas theatres of war, especially France and Belgium; and what has been the approximate cost to the War Office for the same periods in maintaining troops and Chinese labour to salve such material?


I have been asked to answer this question. The total sales of material salved from France and Belgium between 11th November, 1918, and 31st March, 1919, amounted to £4,603,766. Since the latter date the monthly average has been £1,007,764. An answer to the last part of the question is being prepared by the War Office and will be communicated to my hon. and gallant Friend by that Department.

Major GLYN

May that answer be published in the Press, as it is a subject which is causing considerable concern to the officers and men who are being kept in France and cannot be demobilized. who are fully aware that the material they are there to salve can, perfectly well be salved by the French and who believe they are being retained in France when they could be demobilised?


I have no control over the Press, who report what they think is of public interest. The amount I have announced shows that it is necessary there should be an organisation to safeguard these stores.


Has the amount received from salvage exceeded the cost of salving?


I cannot give a definite answer until the information is received from the War Office, but I should say by many millions.