§ Sir D. MACLEANIn view of the statement made by the President of the Board of Trade to the Committee on Profiteering, intimating that it is the intention of the Government to bring in. a Bill, will the right hon. Gentleman tell the House on what day he proposes to bring in that Bill?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWYes, Sir, notice of the presentation of the Bill will be handed in to-day, and it will be taken as soon as possible.
§ Mr. LAMBERTWill the Bill be passed before the House rises for the holidays?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWYes, we must pass it.
§ Mr. HOLMESMay I inquire why the Government asked a fortnight ago for the appointment of this Select Committee to inquire into profiteering and why the Food Controller eat as a witness all day yesterday if they felt in a position to introduce legislation without waiting for the Report of the Committee?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI can assure the House no slight is intended to the Committee. At the time I announced its formation I said that at the same time the Government were considering what steps 371 they should themselves take in the meantime. As a matter of fact, I believe my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade has seen this Committee in regard to the proposals which the Government are going to make.
§ Mr. HOLMESDid the Food Controller know yesterday, when he was a witness, that legislation was going to be announced to the Committee by the President of the Board of Trade to-day?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWHe knew the Government were considering the question, but did not know we had decided to do it.
§ Mr. CLYNESIs the Bill an attempt to amend the existing law, or is it intended to provide a different law for profiteering?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWI think it would be inadvisable to attempt now to describe the Bill, but perhaps my right hon. Friend will wait until he sees it. It is an attempt to deal in a very drastic way with this difficulty.