HC Deb 06 August 1919 vol 119 c350

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign. Affairs if certain German shipping at Neufahrwasser and in the district adjacent to the mouth of the Vistula and Moltava has been nominally transferred by Germany to Holland; if, as the result of this action, when Poland takes possession of the Pomeranian coast she will find that it has been divested of all shipping; if such action is contrary to the provisions of the Peace Treaty; and what steps will be taken to put the matter right?


The facts of the case are these: There are some old and obsolete German warships lying at Neufahrwasser. The Germans have received permission from the Allied Naval Armistice Commission to sell two of these vessels, namely, the "Worth" and the "Hildebrand," to Dutch firms for breaking-up purposes. They have requested permission to sell five or six other old war vessels lying at the same port to Dutch firms for similar purposes, and this request is under consideration by the Allied Naval Armistice Commission.