HC Deb 04 August 1919 vol 119 cc25-6

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will state who is the officer commanding the troops in St. Helena; what is his salary; and what troops does he command?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Lieut.-Colonel Amery)

The officer commanding the troops in St. Helena is Lieut.-Colonel W. Dixon, Royal Marine Artillery. He draws, in addition to his pay from naval funds, half the salary of the office of Governor from the funds of the Island. With regard to the garrison of the island, perhaps my hon. Friend will address a question to the Admiralty.


Does not my hon. Friend the Under-Secretary know how many men this valuable officer is commanding?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

The details of garrisons under the Admiralty are kept by the Admiralty.


Is it not a fact that this officer is really doing nothing, and has not more than half a dozen troops under his command?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

I am aware that the garrison is small, but the officer is busy with work not only in connection with the garrison, but in the administration of the Colony.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies who is paying the salaries, and to what amount, of the officials of St. Helena who have been on leave for over two years?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

The Governor of St. Helena is drawing half the salary of his office from the funds of the island. The other officials in question are in receipt of pay from Army funds only.


May I know what the gentlemen who have been on leave for over two years are doing, and why do not they go back?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

I think I have already explained to my hon. Friend that these gentlemen have been doing work connected with the War on this side, and their place has been quite adequately filled during the war conditions.


While they are doing war work here, are the funds of the Colony being called upon to pay their salary?

Lieut.-Colonel AMERY

I have just said that with the exception of the Governor, who is drawing half the salary of his office, the others are entirely drawing pay from Army funds, and the Colony is benefiting thereby.