HC Deb 04 August 1919 vol 119 c14
34. Major HURST

asked the Minister of Health whether he was aware of the threatened ejectment of the tenants of Phillips' quilt manufactory, Clifford Street, Manchester, and of Willson's bakery and café Oxford Road, Manchester, without being given any option to purchase their respective premises; whether he was aware that no alternative suitable site for either labour-employing works was available in the vicinity; and whether he had (in pursuance of his promise of the 11thJuly) brought to the Government's notice the question of giving industrial tenancies some legal protection against disturbance, such as a statutory extension of the time normally required for a valid notice to quit?


As stated in the reply which my right hon. Friend gave to the hon. and gallant Member on the 7th July, the matter to which he refers is not one within the province of the Ministry of Health. In view, however, of the displacement of labour involved by the termination of tenancies in the circumstances mentioned, my right hon. Friend is in communication with the Minister of Labour on he subject, and will communicate with the hon. Member.