§ LAND VALUES ASSESSMENT AND RATING BILL,—"to provide for the separate assessment and rating of land values," presented by Colonel WEDGWOOD; to be read a second time upon Monday, 28th April, and to be printed. [Bill 61.]
§ PREVENTION OF ANTHRAX BTLL,—"to control the importation of goods infected or likely to be infected with anthrax, and to provide for the disinfection of any such goods," presented by Colonel Sir HAMAR GREENWOOD; supported by Mr. Shortt; to be read a second time To-morrow, and to be printed. [Bill 62.]
§ MONEYLENDERS ACTS (1900 AND 1911) AMENDMENT BILL,—"to amend the Moneylenders Acts, 1900 and 1911, and for other purposes connected therewith," presented 2511 by Mr. STANTON; supported by Sir Richard Cooper, Mr. John Williams, Mr. Tillett, Mr. Simm, Mr. Kenyon, Mr. Seddon, and Mr. Morris; to be read a second time upon Friday, 30th May, and to be printed. [Bill 63.]
§ JOINT STOCK BANKS (AMALGAMATION CONTROL) BILL,—"to make provision for controlling the amalgamation of Joint Stock Banks, and for purposes connected therewith," presented by the CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER; supported by Sir Albert Stanley and Mr. Stanley Baldwin; to be read a second time To-morrow, and to be printed. [Bill 64.]