HC Deb 08 April 1919 vol 114 c1854
68. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Home Secretary whether there are any rules or regulations now in force which prevent people in this country from engaging French or other friendly alien women as governesses or domestics; and, if not, why the Ministry of Labour are refusing passports in such cases?


Article 228 of the Aliens Restriction Order requires that any person desiring to obtain the services of aliens abroad for work in this country should first obtain the permission of the Minister of Labour. In administering this Article the Minister is mainly guided by considerations as to the extent to which the services required can be performed by persons already in the country. Where the chief purpose for which an alien is required is to teach French to the children of British people, the necessary permission is, as a rule, granted provided there is no objection on personal grounds to the alien concerned. But where it is clear that the alien is required mainly for domestic purposes, it is felt that having regard to the large number of women who have been discharged from work on War service, the applicant should be encouraged, where possible, to fill the vacancy with British labour. Permission to employ aliens from abroad is, therefore, generally refused in such cases.


Another form of protection.