HC Deb 07 April 1919 vol 114 c1644
32. Brigadier - General Sir OWEN THOMAS

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether, in view of the present exceptional breaking up of landed estates in Great Britain, he can see his way to introduce some means of assisting the tenant farmers to buy their holdings with money borrowed at a reasonable interest, with principal repayable during a term of years, and so avoid payment of a high rate of interest and the danger of a man's mortgage being called up at short intervals, as has frequently occurred?


The Board are not able at the present time to propose further legislation which would involve additional financial liabilities on the Government.


Is not the hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that under the Irish Land Act Irish farmers get the advantage of 2½ per cent.; is it not possible to make some similar arrangements for British farmers?


Yes, Sir, I am quite aware of the circumstances. What my hon. and gallant Friend is proposing is a large State-aided purchase scheme, and we are not prepared to propose that at present.