§ DORMANT BANK BALANCES AND UNCLAIMED SECURITIES BILL, — "to compel banks periodically to disclose dormant balances and unclaimed securities and hand the same over to the Public Trustee," presented by Mr. BOTTOMLEY; to be read a second time upon Friday, 9th May, and to be printed. [Bill 51.]
§ "TRADE DISPUTES (No. 2) BILL,—"to repeal the Trade Disputes Act, 1906, and to amend Section three of the Trades Union Act, 1913," presented by Sir FREDERICK 1679 BANBURY; supported by Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Guinness; to be read a second time upon Friday, 30th May, and to be printed. [Bill 52.]
§ CITY OF LONDON POLICE BILL,—"to amend the enactments relating to the expenses of the Police force of the City of London," presented by Sir HAMAR GREENWOOD; to be read a second time To-morrow, and to be printed. [Bill 53.]