§ Sir DONALD MACLEAN (by Private Notice)asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is now in a position to announce the constitution of the Committee which is to inquire into the old age pensions?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINA Committee has now been appointed, consisting of the following:
The terms of reference, as already stated, are:
- Sir W. Ryland Adkins, M.P. (Chairman).
- The Right Hon. Sir Henry A. Robinson, K.C.B.
- Sir Arthur Pedder.
- Sir Alfred W. Watson.
- Sir Theodore Chambers, K.B.E.
- Ewan F. Macpherson, Esq., C.B.
- Lieut.-Colonel Nathan Raw, C.M.G., M.P.
- W. A. Appleton, Esq.
- H. J. Comyns, Esq.
- Joseph Devlin, Esq., M.P.
1395- J. H. Dunford, Esq.
- Major J. G. Jameson, M.P.
- Miss M. Cecile Matheson.
- Arnold Rowntree, Esq.
- G. R. Thorne, Esq., M.P.
- Stephen Walsh, Esq., M.P.
"To consider and report what alterations, if any, as regards rates of pension or qualification should be made in the existing statutory scheme of old age pensions."
§ Mr. CLYNESMay I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he will suggest to the Committee the desirability of getting speedily to work and making an early Report?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI have no doubt the Chairman of the/ Committee will take note of my right hon. Friend's desire for a speedy Report.