§ Major Earl WINTERTON(by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the absence of published news from Egypt, he can state what is the present position there, and if order is now fully restored?
§ Mr. C. HARMSWORTHThere has for some time past been considerable delay in the transmission of telegrams from the East (including Egypt), due to the partial breakdown of the Mediterranean cables.
In a telegram, dated 28th March, received yesterday afternoon at the Foreign Office, General Allenby reported that the Delta was practically quiet. Cairo was also quiet.
In Upper Egypt; the area North of Assiout as far as Mellawi was still somewhat disturbed, but 146 European civilians at Assiout were safe.
The Fayoum had been cleared of the bands of Beduin who had made inroads there.
A force dispatched from the Sudan had arrived at Luxor on 26th March, and reported that all was quiet.
A telegram, dated 1st April, was received at the Foreign Office this morning, 1206 in which General Allenby states that twelve columns are operating in Upper and Lower Egypt. No incidents are reported anywhere, except an attack on a construction train near Mazghouna in Middle Egypt. There were a few casualties on both sides, but all is now quiet.
In a further telegram, dated yesterday, General Allenby reports that the Sudan is unaffected, and that he is in touch with the force from the Sudan which has arrived in Upper Egypt.
It appears, therefore, from the foregoing that the complete restoration of law and order in Egypt is now only a matter of time.