§ 32. Mr. SITCHasked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the chairman of the British South Africa Company, addressing the shareholders of the company in August last, stated that in the company's opinion the Imperial Government was their very solvent debtor, that the claim they would make already exceeded £10,000,000 sterling, and that the company would at the earliest possible moment attempt to agree to the amount of the claim with the Government; whether such claim has yet been lodged; and whether, before any such agreement is reached, he will be willing to lay papers covering the claim upon the Table of the House?
§ Lieutenant-Colonel AMERYI have seen the statement referred to. The British South Africa Company have approached the Secretary of State with regard to obtaining a settlement of the amount of the company's administrative deficits in Southern Rhodesia, and the whole question is now under consideration.
33. Mr. ALFRED DAVIESasked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies 1179 whether, in granting to the South Africa Company a Royal Charter, His Majesty's Government expressly retained a power to revoke that Charter upon evidence being produced that the company has substantially failed to observe and conform to the provisions of the Charter?
§ Lieutenant-Colonel AMERYYes, Sir.