HC Deb 01 April 1919 vol 114 c1040

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the education of between 1,600 and 1,700 children in Watford has been, almost continuously since November, 1915, and is still being, seriously hampered, and their school hours reduced by one half owing to military occupation of schools; whether he is aware of a representation on this matter which was recently made to the War Office by the Herts County Council through the Board of Education; and whether he will at once take steps to have the Chater Schools at Watford released from military occupation?

Captain GUEST (Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury)

The Chater Schools, Watford, are the only elementary schools belonging to the local education authority now in the occupation of the War Department. The question of their retention has been recently under consideration, and it has been decided that the schools can be vacated and handed back to the local education authority in two or three weeks from date. There is no record of any communication having been received in the War Office from the Herts County Council, through the Board of Education, on this matter

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