HC Deb 31 October 1918 vol 110 c1603
112. Mr. F. MEEHAN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Corporal John Nagle, No. 9006, Royal Irish Rifles, who joined in 1916, and was recently wounded in France, had been in receipt of £40 per year and was just beginning to be a help to his mother, who was dependent on him, when he joined, and that he had made the usual allowance of 3s. 6d. per week out of his pay to his mother, which was increased by the sum of 1s. 5d. per week dependant's allowance; and, having regard to these facts, if any inquiry will be made into the case and the scheduled scale of dependant's allowance, together with all arrears, be granted?


I would refer the hon. Member to the answers which I gave him on the 6th March and the 10th July, 1917. A special allowance of 5s. a week is now issuable to the parent of a soldier who has attained the age of eighteen, and who enlisted before the age of twenty-six. Application for this allowance can be made either by the soldier or by the parent, who can obtain the necessary form at any post office.


Will the right hon. Gentleman publish this in the papers so that people will know what is really being done, and be able to apply?


I will consider if anything further is necessary.