§ 85. Mr. FALCONERasked the Pensions Minister whether he is aware that numbers of soldiers discharged from the Army with a pension in respect of disablement in the highest degree have had their pensions reduced while they are still totally disabled, and that many of these soldiers are being certified by their doctors as wholly incapable of work by reason of their war injuries and are receiving benefit under the National Health Insurance Act after their pensions have been reduced; and what steps he proposes to take to see that discharged soldiers are not deprived of their full pensions until they have regained a measure of working capacity sufficient to enable them to maintain themselves with the help of their reduced pensions?
§ Sir A. GRIFFITH-BOSCAWENI am not aware that men who are still disabled in the highest degree have had then pensions reduced, and if the hon. Member will furnish me with particulars of the cases on which he bases his statement I will have inquiry made. I may explain 1602 that machinery has been devised to meet cases in which it is represented that an erroneous assessment has been made, or that a man has become materially worse since his last assessment; and further, that by accepting medical treatment provided by the Ministry a man can automatically increase his pension to that appropriate to disablement in the highest degree.
§ Mr. FALCONERIf I furnish the hon. Gentleman with examples I have received, will he consider devising some general scheme which will prevent innumerable cases of this kind from being continued?
§ Sir A. GRIFFITH-BOSCAWENI have already said machinery is in existence, and it is simply for the hon. Member and his Friends to take advantage of it. I will, of course, consider cases brought forward.
§ Mr. HOGGECan my hon. and gallant Friend say if his Ministry have applied to the approved societies to find out in how many cases approved societies are paying total disability pensions after the man has ceased to draw disability pension from the Ministry?
§ Sir A. GRIFFITH-BOSCAWENWill my hon. Friend kindly give notice?