HC Deb 29 October 1918 vol 110 c1261
Mr. ALDEN (by Private Notice)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Private Herbert James Flack (121, Durham Road, White Hart Lane, Tottenham), now attached to 27 Labour Co. No. 476915, formerly No. 2242, 19th Middlesex Regiment, who was discharged in 1914, and joined up again on April 22, 1915, and has served in France since August 1, 1916, has lost one eye and that the other is very seriously affected so that he is almost blind and cannot see at all at night, that he has also a compound fracture of the leg which unfits him for active service, that he has seven children at home, one of whom is paralysed; and whether he is aware that this man is under orders to leave for France on Wednesday, and what action under these circumstances he proposes to take?


Instructions have been issued that Private Flack should not be sent overseas pending a further medical examination, which will be arranged as soon as possible.