HC Deb 28 October 1918 vol 110 c1109
36. Major NEWMAN

asked the Pensions Minister whether he will inquire into the election on 28th August of a secretary to the Cashel County Tipperary War Pensions Committee; whether there were 107 applicants for the position, including a staff sergeant with six months' experience on the Tottenham War Pensions Committee, and several other soldiers, with special qualifications, invalided out of the service; whether he is aware that, in proposing the name of one of these ex-soldiers, the appeal of the Pensions Minister to appoint discharged soldiers to such positions was mentioned; whether, in the result, a Miss O'Ryan, without other qualification except of being related to some of the members of the committee, was elected by a large majority; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


The facts are substantially as stated in the first part of the question. I have called upon the local committee for South Tipperary for their statement of the case, but until I receive this I am not in a position to say whether the appointment in question was justified. In the War Pensions Bill now before the House I have asked for powers, which I do not at present possess, to enable me to exercise some control over the appointment of officers by local war pensions committees.


When the right hon. Gentleman gets the answer will he let me have it?

